Throughout this year, we have received thousands of requests from new neighbors in need of food, utilities and rent assistance. The increase in food and housing cost has brought a lot of hardship and grief not only to our neighbors but to Good Samaritan Ministries’ ability to meet the increased need through education, mentoring and social services.
It is important for us to keep families in their homes together while working with them to be more stable and connected to support communities. Due to the increase in local needs, we have launched our “Give Where You Live Campaign” to help us continue to meet the needs of our neighbors and do the work of Jesus Christ.
Consider giving to Good Samaritan Ministries to provide financial resources to administer our services in this fall season.
Food Scarcity
According to the USDA, food insecurity is a problem facing our local communities and our neighbors. In 2020, almost 11% of US households experienced food insecurity. Rural areas like our East Tennessee region are at greater risk to experience food insecurity. Our neighbors are at-risk to experience food insecurity this year. Focus your support in September to help fill our food pantry and provide essential food assistance to your neighbors.
Start a Collection Drive
Start a collection drive to collect food items to donate to Good Samaritan Ministries. Review the lists below for items our pantry needs this fall.
Homeless Food Items
- Cracker Packs
- Beanee Weenees
- Vienna Sausages
- Slim Jims
- Snack Cakes
- Individual Bag Chips
- Powerade or Gatorade drinks
- Granola Bars
Monthly Food Box Items
- Box Mac-n-Cheese
- Jelly
- Peanut Butter
- Canned Soup
- Oatmeal
- Rice
- Canned Vegetables
- Baking Mix
- Dry Pasta
- Canned Fruit