Good Samaritan Ministries is collecting school supplies for its Back to School program in the summer.
2024 Back to School Drive

Good Samaritan Ministries is collecting school supplies for its Back to School program in the summer.
Help Good Samaritan Ministries fill its food pantry this spring.
We need your help to donate toys for our marketplace.
Collect food items for Good Samaritan Ministries.
Good Samaritan Ministries invites 2022 Turkey Trot race participants to donate non-perishable food items.
Read about an article published by Tri-Cities News Channel 5 WCYB, “Good Samaritan Ministries in Johnson City faces tough decisions.”
In the month of September, “Give Where you Live,” highlights the importance of supporting our local community and the neighbors we see everyday.
Focus your support in September to help fill our food pantry and provide essential assistance to your neighbors.